Tiny Biosensors Detect ‘Song’ of Cancer Markers, Say Researchers

Sensor Hears Cancer's Call

Biosensors Detect ‘Song’

Sensor Hears Cancer's Call

Tiny Biosensors Detect ‘Song’ of Cancer Markers, Say Researchers

students at the Georgia Institute of Technology haven't been to the pin point size sensor that hear the 
song sung by canceling molecules dancing and a drop of blood serum they call the device theater Rachel and then rave letras deposited on the thin-film do your way home. A specific page when an electric current is applied this technology is not new of course what works on the same principle what is new is the brainstorm of graduate student Bethany to cover and Christopher Corso working with research advisor William to hunt the students that made a decision at the National Cancer Institute which is the answer is potentially more than anything else we are not there yet but we still have a degree from the University from other diseases the answer is returning after treatment for American Association for international Atlanta