Peter Jennings Has Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer Health Center
the most common cause of lung cancer is spoken with the dog. Percent of lung cancers arising from tobacco use the risk of lung cancer and Chris is with the number of cigarette smoke over time. Of N cigar smoking can also cause lung cancer although the rest is not as high as a cigarette smoking other costs include passive smoking or inhalation of tobacco smoke from other smokers sharing living or working corners not much room to live with a smoker have a 24% increase in risk for developing lung cancer when compared with other not an estimated 3000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the US are due to passive smoking asbestos fibers today and best of youth is limited or bad in many countries including the United States both lung cancer at the type of cancer of the lining of the month all mesothelioma are associated with exposure to asbestos cigarette smoking drastically increases the chance of developing and asbestos-related lung cancer Inn Express workers asbestos workers who do not smoke out of 5 or greater risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers and there's asbestos workers who smoke have a risk that is 5290 times greater than non-smokers radon gas radon gas is a natural chemically inert gas that is a natural decay products of uranium it's a case to farm products that emit a type of ionizing radiation radon gas cost 15000 to 20 2001 cancer related deaths annually of the USS is asbestos exposure smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer with radon exposure radon gas tank traveling through soil and answer him through gas in the foundation I'm drained or other openings the US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that one out of every 15 homes in the US contains dangerous levels of radon gas radon gas is invisible and odorless the candy detected with simple have kids familial
Peter Jennings has lung cancer ABC News anchor to begin chemotherapy love them to use archive how is lung cancer treated treatments for lung cancer kind of ball surgery to remove the tumor chemotherapy or radiation therapy as well as combinations of these methods the decision about which treatments will be appropriate app based on the country of tumor has spread and the overall health status of the patient if the lung cancer is diagnosed early the goal of treatment is securing the cancer is it has spread to other places in the body this is more difficult to achieve what is the prognosis of lung cancer the prognosis depends on the type of lung cancer is in rhythm of cancer has spread on the overall health status of the patient the most aggressive form of lung cancer is called small cell lung cancer because small cell lung cancer has usually spread by the time it is diagnosed surgery is not usually helpful however small cell lung cancer is also the type of lung cancer most responsive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy of all patients with this type of lung cancer only 5% - 10% on line 5 years after diagnosis for the other group of lung cancer is called mom